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Cubii started as an innovative idea: compact under-desk ellipticals that promote movement while seated. We took this concept and transformed it into a thriving business, achieving remarkable growth and establishing Cubii as a market leader in fitness equipment. Here's a detailed breakdown of what we did and how we did it.

Step 1: Understanding the Target Market

Understanding your target market is crucial for developing effective marketing strategies and creating products that meet customer needs. For Cubii, identifying the right segments was a key factor in achieving rapid growth and market penetration.

Step-by-Step Approach:

  1. Initial Targeting:

    • Identify Hypothesis: Gather your team and brainstorm who you think will benefit most from your product. For Cubii, this was young professionals in office environments.

    • Create Personas: Develop detailed customer personas based on your hypothesis. Include demographics, job titles, challenges, and how your product can help.

  2. Conduct Market Research:

    • Deploy Surveys: Use tools like SurveyMonkey or Google Forms to create surveys. Ask questions about potential users' work environment, exercise habits, and interest in fitness products.

    • Organize Focus Groups: Select a diverse group of participants. Prepare open-ended questions to facilitate discussion about their exercise routines and needs.

    • Collect Feedback: Use early adopters to gather detailed feedback. Offer incentives like discounts or freebies to encourage participation.

  3. Segment Identification:

    • Analyze Data: Use statistical software or CRM analytics (like HubSpot or Salesforce) to process survey and focus group data.

    • Identify Patterns: Look for common themes in demographics, behavior, and needs. For Cubii, these included:

      • Health-conscious individuals

      • Weight-conscious individuals

      • Older demographics

      • Style-conscious women

  4. Tailor Messaging:

    • Develop Messaging: Craft specific messages for each segment. For health-conscious individuals, focus on the health benefits. For seniors, emphasize the ease of use and low-impact exercise.

    • A/B Testing: Create different versions of your messaging and test them to see which resonates best with each segment.


  • Identify assumed primary market segment.

  • Create detailed customer personas.

  • Conduct surveys and focus groups.

  • Analyze data to identify key segments.

  • Develop and test tailored messaging for each segment.

Step 2: Leveraging Content Marketing

Content marketing is essential for building brand awareness, educating potential customers, and establishing trust. At Cubii, we used content marketing to effectively communicate the benefits of our products and drive engagement.

Step-by-Step Approach:

  1. Content Audit:

    • Identify Content: Use tools like BuzzSumo to find popular articles, blog posts, and reviews related to similar products.

    • Evaluate Content: Select content with high engagement metrics (shares, comments, likes) and relevancy to your product.

  2. Seek Permissions:

    • Contact Creators: Draft a professional email explaining how republishing their content will benefit both parties. Highlight potential exposure and backlinks as incentives.

    • Follow Up: Send follow-up emails if there is no response within a week.

  3. Repurpose Content:

    • Customize Content: Adjust the tone and style to fit your brand. Add unique insights or additional data to enhance its value.

    • Optimize for SEO: Ensure the repurposed content includes relevant keywords and is formatted for search engine optimization.

  4. Create Educational Content:

    • Develop Guides and Tutorials: Write how-to guides, tutorials, and case studies that provide in-depth information about your product’s benefits and applications.

    • Use Visuals: Incorporate high-quality images, infographics, and videos to make the content more engaging.

  5. Include Calls to Action:

    • Strategic Placement: Place CTAs at key points in the content, such as the introduction, middle, and end.

    • Offer Value: Make the CTAs compelling by offering something of value, like a free trial, exclusive content, or a discount.


  • Identify and evaluate existing positive content.

  • Obtain permissions to republish content.

  • Repurpose and optimize content for SEO.

  • Create engaging educational content.

  • Include strategic calls to action.

Step 3: Utilizing Paid Advertising

Paid advertising can provide a significant boost in visibility and conversions when executed correctly. For Cubii, it was crucial to use a variety of advertising platforms and continuously refine our strategies based on performance data.

Step-by-Step Approach:

  1. Define Goals:

    • Set SMART Goals: Define Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals for your advertising campaigns. For example, "Increase website traffic by 20% in the next three months."

  2. Choose Platforms:

    • Analyze Audience Data: Use insights from your CRM to determine which platforms your target segments frequent most.

    • Select Platforms: Choose platforms like Google Ads for search engine marketing, Facebook and Instagram for social media advertising, and display networks for banner ads.

  3. Create Compelling Ads:

    • Design Ad Creative: Use high-quality images and clear, concise copy. Highlight the key benefits of your product.

    • Use Tools: Utilize tools like Canva for design and Grammarly for copy editing.

    • Implement A/B Testing: Create multiple versions of your ads and test them to see which performs best.

  4. Monitor and Adjust:

    • Track Metrics: Use platform-specific analytics tools to monitor click-through rates, conversion rates, and ROI.

    • Adjust Strategies: Based on performance data, tweak your targeting, ad creative, and bidding strategies. For example, if an ad performs well with a certain demographic, allocate more budget towards that segment.

  5. Transition Strategy:

    • Shift Budget: Gradually move your budget from direct response advertising to brand-building campaigns.

    • Emphasize Storytelling: Develop campaigns that focus on your brand’s story, values, and mission to build a deeper connection with your audience.


  • Define advertising goals using SMART criteria.

  • Select appropriate advertising platforms.

  • Design and test compelling ads.

  • Monitor ad performance and adjust strategies.

  • Transition focus to long-term branding efforts.

Step 4: Building a Community Through Influencer Outreach, Affiliates, and PR

Building a strong community is essential for sustainable growth and brand loyalty. Cubii invested in influencer partnerships, affiliate programs, and PR to create a robust network of advocates.

Step-by-Step Approach:

  1. Identify Influencers:

    • Use Tools: Employ platforms like Upfluence or to find relevant influencers. Filter by niche, engagement rates, and follower count.

    • Vet Influencers: Look for influencers who have a genuine connection with their audience and align with your brand values.

  2. Reach Out:

    • Craft Personalized Messages: Personalize outreach messages to each influencer, explaining why you chose them and how the collaboration will benefit both parties.

    • Provide Clear Proposals: Clearly outline what you are offering (e.g., free products, payment) and what you expect in return (e.g., posts, reviews).

  3. Set Up an Affiliate Program:

    • Choose a Platform: Use affiliate marketing platforms like ShareASale or Refersion to manage your program.

    • Create Marketing Materials: Provide affiliates with high-quality banners, links, and content they can use to promote your product.

    • Offer Competitive Commissions: Set commission rates that are attractive to affiliates and motivate them to promote your product actively.

  4. Develop a PR Strategy:

    • Write Press Releases: Create press releases that highlight unique aspects of your product or business.

    • Build Media Lists: Compile lists of relevant journalists and editors in your industry.

    • Pitch Stories: Send personalized pitches to your media list, focusing on newsworthy angles that will interest their audience.

  5. Leverage Generated Content:

    • Share Influencer Content: Repost influencer-generated content on your social media channels and website.

    • Create Case Studies: Develop case studies from successful affiliate promotions to showcase the benefits and results of your program.


  • Identify and vet relevant influencers.

  • Craft personalized outreach messages.

  • Set up an affiliate program with attractive commissions.

  • Develop and execute a PR strategy.

  • Leverage influencer and affiliate content.

Step 5: Enhancing User Experience

A seamless and enjoyable user experience is key to customer satisfaction and retention. Cubii focused on creating intuitive digital platforms and responsive customer support to enhance the user experience.

Step-by-Step Approach:

  1. Website Design:

    • Create a Clean Layout: Use a simple, intuitive layout with clear navigation. Ensure the site is mobile-friendly and loads quickly.

    • Use Visuals: Incorporate high-quality images, videos, and infographics to make the website visually appealing.

    • Implement User Testing: Conduct user testing sessions to gather feedback and identify areas for improvement.

  2. Develop a Companion App:

    • Collaborate with Developers: Work with experienced app developers to design a functional and user-friendly app.

    • Ensure Compatibility: Make sure the app is compatible with both iOS and Android devices.

    • Update Regularly: Release regular updates with new features and improvements based on user feedback.

  3. Invest in Customer Support:

    • Train Support Team: Provide thorough training for your customer support team. Use tools like Zendesk or Freshdesk to manage support tickets efficiently.

    • Implement Chatbots: Use chatbots for basic inquiries and to provide 24/7 support. Integrate chatbots with your CRM to offer personalized responses.

    • Gather Feedback: Regularly collect customer feedback through surveys and support interactions to continuously improve the service.

  4. Gather Feedback:

    • Use Surveys: Deploy customer satisfaction surveys using tools like SurveyMonkey or Typeform.

    • Analyze Feedback: Regularly review feedback to identify common issues and areas for improvement.

    • Implement Changes: Use the feedback to make informed decisions and implement changes that enhance the user experience.


  • Design a clean, user-friendly website.

  • Develop a companion app with regular updates.

  • Train a responsive customer support team.

  • Use chatbots for basic customer inquiries.

  • Regularly gather and analyze user feedback.

Step 6: Overcoming Challenges

Every business faces challenges, and the ability to adapt is crucial for success. Cubii continually refined its strategies and operations to overcome obstacles and sustain growth.

Step-by-Step Approach:

  1. Refine Target Audience:

    • Continuous Research: Conduct regular market research to stay updated on your audience’s preferences and behaviors.

    • Use Analytics: Leverage tools like Google Analytics and CRM data to gain deeper insights into customer segments.

    • Adjust Marketing Strategies: Use the insights to refine your marketing strategies and ensure they remain relevant to your audience.

  2. Evolve Marketing Strategies:

    • Monitor Trends: Stay informed about the latest marketing trends and technologies.

    • Test New Strategies: Implement A/B testing for new marketing strategies to determine their effectiveness before full deployment.

    • Iterate Quickly: Be prepared to iterate quickly based on the results of your tests and feedback from your campaigns.

  3. Manage Inventory and Supply Chain:

    • Use Inventory Management Software: Implement inventory management software like TradeGecko or Brightpearl to track stock levels and predict demand.

    • Build Strong Supplier Relationships: Maintain open communication with suppliers to ensure timely deliveries and resolve any issues quickly.

    • Optimize Logistics: Continuously review and optimize your logistics processes to improve efficiency and reduce costs.


  • Conduct continuous market research.

  • Leverage analytics for audience insights.

  • Monitor and test new marketing strategies.

  • Implement inventory management software.

  • Maintain strong supplier relationships.

  • Optimize logistics processes.

Key Takeaways

Reflecting on Cubii's journey, there are several key lessons that other businesses can learn to achieve similar success. These insights highlight the importance of community building, understanding your audience, and prioritizing user experience.

Step-by-Step Approach:

  1. Build a Community:

    • Engage Regularly: Consistently interact with your community through social media, forums, and events.

    • Create Value: Provide valuable content, resources, and support to keep your community engaged and loyal.

  2. Know Your Audience:

    • Conduct Deep Research: Regularly conduct thorough research to understand your audience’s evolving needs and preferences.

    • Personalize Communication: Use the insights to tailor your communication and marketing efforts to each segment.

  3. Create High-Quality Content:

    • Focus on Value: Develop content that offers real value to your audience, such as tips, tutorials, and industry insights.

    • Use Multiple Formats: Experiment with different content formats like videos, infographics, and podcasts to cater to diverse preferences.

  4. Prioritize User Experience:

    • Simplify Processes: Ensure that all interactions with your brand, from website navigation to customer support, are seamless and efficient.

    • Collect Feedback: Continuously collect and act on user feedback to improve the overall experience.

  5. Stay Agile:

    • Monitor Market Changes: Keep a close eye on market trends and shifts in consumer behavior.

    • Adapt Quickly: Be prepared to quickly adapt your strategies and operations in response to new information and challenges.


  • Engage regularly with your community.

  • Conduct deep and ongoing audience research.

  • Develop high-quality, valuable content.

  • Ensure seamless and efficient user experiences.

  • Monitor and adapt to market changes quickly.


Cubii's journey from a Kickstarter project to a market leader in fitness equipment offers a blueprint for success. By understanding our audience, leveraging content and paid advertising, building a community, and enhancing user experience, we established a strong brand and achieved significant growth. Use this comprehensive guide and checklist to replicate our strategies and drive your own business success.